
艺高高 > 店家 > 郑甘美艺术空间


主营风格: 油画,丙烯,多媒材,其他


所在地:北京 东城区



郑甘美艺术空间成立于2007年春天, 负责人郑甘美在空间成立之前的25年期间纯粹是艺术收藏, 收藏涵括海峡两岸, 及义大利当代艺术家作品, 收藏丰富. 更以敏锐的眼光发掘年轻艺术家, 坚持好的作品 必须要有最基本的美学, 并充分反映当时社会型态, 文化思想, 及展望未来的实验, 与前瞻性的创新. 
1992年亦曾到北京资援圆明园画家村(中国最早的艺术村落)的艺术家, 并长期与多位知名艺术家保持往来, 了解其创作延续 及国内外展览讯息.
在中国宋庄设有宽敞的工作室及舒适的居所, 提供台湾艺术家短期或长期到国际艺术大舞台北京创作, 并有机会在当地展示作品于全球各地到北京寻找华人艺术品的画廊, ART DEALER, 及策展人.
同时代理北京发行的 “艺术经理人” (ART MANAGER) 杂誌, 提供台湾艺术家刊登作品, 国内收藏家也能藉此杂誌多了解中国艺术品及各地区各省份美术馆的运作及展览. 更与义大利翡冷翠 FYR GALLERY 结盟, 把海峡两岸艺术家作品藉由 FYR GALLERY 推荐于意大利收藏家, 同时引进意大利及欧洲当代艺术作品, 让国内收藏家在国内就能欣赏到欧洲当代艺术.
定期展览以海峡两岸,意大利当代艺术家及年轻艺术家作品为主轴, 也为新进收藏家配置收藏品兼具居家装饰.
About Karen Jeng Art Space
Karen Jeng Art Space founded in the spring of 2007. Before to have her own gallery Ms. Karen has been as an art collector for 25 years. Her collection mostly are comtemporary art covering Taiwan, China, & Italy - the 3 countries she been stayed for a long time. The collection is quite rich and with her keen eyes she explore & collect more young artists' nice works and she insists that a good art work must have basic aesthetic and fully reflect at time society, culture thought, and look to the future experiment with forward-looking innovation.
In 1992 she went to Beijing to capital help the artists in a poor small village outside Yuanmingyuan (the first artists' village in China) and still keeping in touch with some of the artists to follow up their continuous art creating & exhibition message.
She prepared 2 nice & comfortable studios in Songzhuang Beijing specially for Taiwanese artists to stay and to create art works in the same & most important Chinese art stage and to have the chance to show their works to Beijing local galleries/collectors/curators and even the foreign art dealers/collectors.
In the meantime she also signed a contract with Beijing "Art Manager" magzine to be as Taiwan agent and with it to provide Taiwan artists to hv more channel to publish their works, and to Taiwan art-lovers to hv more understanding about Chinese art and how the Chinese museums operating & exhibiting.
Moreover, Karen forges an alliance with Italian gallery - FYR Gallery, to promote Taiwan & Chinese art to Italy and to introduce the contemporary Italian & European art to Taiwan collectors.
The gallery regularly exhibits Taiwanese/Chinese/Italian contemporary art, especially the young artists' works. Also Karen would like to help the fresh art collectors to dispose & systematize the first step collection. The gallery also functions the upholster with deco paintings.






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