

  • 艺术品类:其他
  • 所在地:上海 黄浦区
  • 出生年月:1971年
  • 1131


  • 0


  • 45





艺术简历: 1990-1994年 上海大学美术学院雕塑系 1994 至今 上海油画雕塑院

联展: 1993年 第三届上海体育美展

1994年 第四届青年美展

1999年 “时代风景”——庆祝上海解放五十周年美展

2001年 纪念建党80周年上海美展


2002年 “海平线”绘画雕塑联展

2003年 首届上海国际环境雕塑艺术展


2004年 第十届全国美展上海展


2004广州城市雕塑邀请展 第三届中国雕塑艺术节暨雕刻大奖赛 纪念邓小平诞辰100周年上海美展

2005年 《视觉惊艳》上海青年美术大展 日本福冈市美术连盟10周年纪念上海展 首届上海国际城市雕塑双年展 上海美术大展 上海油画雕塑院40周年院展 第二届中国北京国际美术双年展 (作品《花神》被中国美协收藏)北京中国美术馆 《永恒的记忆》纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利六十周年京沪美术联展 上海美术馆 2007年 《往东 往西》上海油画雕塑院研究展 上海刘海粟美术馆 2007年 《海平线》雕塑及公共艺术联展 上海M50 2007年 上海优秀青年雕塑家作品展 上海徐汇艺术馆 2008年 《7183》油画雕塑院青年艺术家联展 上海M50 2009年 “08标的 ”上海油画雕塑院研究展 上海刘海粟美术馆 2009年 09意大利文化部主办Percorsi interiori当代艺术展 意大利威尼斯 2010年 《离合之道》当代艺术家提名展 上海M50 2011年 《相约马赛》上海油画雕塑院马赛高等美术学院交流展 法国马赛高等美术学院美术馆 2011中国雕塑年鉴展 北京国粹苑文化创意基地中央展馆 上海美术大展 上海美术馆 “中国盆景”――当代艺术家提名展 西班牙巴伦西亚现代艺术博物馆 2011上海艺博会青年艺术家推介展 上海世贸中心 “和平•和谐—2011全国中青年艺术家推荐展”(一等奖)上海明园美术馆 2012年 “All about shanghai” ——当代艺术展 德国慕尼黑白盒子艺术中心 “相约台北”——上海油画雕塑院作品展 台北市立美术馆 “2012首届上海雕塑计划----生活维度展” 上海油画雕塑院美术馆 “2012上海城市雕塑邀请展”(总策展人,参展艺术家)上海大宁灵石公园 “文化*家园----第七届全国中青年艺术家推荐展” 上海明园美术馆 2013年 “FRESH PAINT”当代艺术博览会 以色列特拉维夫 “条条大路通罗马” 意大利 罗马国立东方艺术博物馆 “Unqdopo 1 A 1 TRO” 意大利 罗马 2014年 “追梦时空—2014上海雕塑艺术邀请展” 上海城市雕塑中心 “明天的寓言—袁侃个展” 上海油画雕塑院 “回望海平线—第十五届海平线绘画、雕塑特别展” 中华艺术宫 “第十八届上海艺术博览会—公共艺术项目” 上海世贸中心 .2015  “民族脊梁—纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年系列展”  第八届上海美术大展 (中华艺术宫);“城市之光”当代雕塑与装置艺术博览;澳门国际设计展;上海设计大展;“游园惊梦”2015 朵云轩秋季艺术品拍卖会现当代油画雕塑专场.2016 庆祝建党95周年。纪念长征胜利80周年上海美术作品展(中华艺术宫);《明天的寓言》 上海香港广场个展(由上海市文化广播影视局,上海市商务委;共同指导,黄浦区委宣传部,区商务委,区文化局联合主办的“上海艺术商圈----艺蕴黄浦”系列活动);《吴语*方言----上海艺术家作品邀请展》(中华艺术宫);《海上70—青年艺术家作品邀请展》(中华艺术宫);“春华秋实”上海市对外文化交流协会30周年回顾展 (上海朵云轩美术馆); “器度”甘世代---沉浸艺术大展(上海红星美凯龙).获奖 “和平•和谐—2011全国中青年艺术家推荐展”(一等奖) (上海明园美术馆).Resume Personal Information: Name:Kan Yuan Gender:Male Born in 1971 at Shanghai, currently sculptor of Shanghai Oil Painting & Sculpture Institute; Member of Shanghai Artists Association;Member of China Sculpture Institution; Member of Professional Committee of Chinese Arts and Crafts Institute;National 1st Grade Artist. Education and Working Experience: 1990-1994 Department of Sculpture, Shanghai University 1994- now Shanghai Oil Painting & Sculpture Institute Exhibition: 1993 3rd Shanghai Art Work of Sports Exhibition 1994 The 4th Youth Art Exhibition 1999 “Landscape of the Time”— Exhibition to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Shanghai Revolution 2001 80th Anniversary of the Found of Communist Party Shanghai Art Exhibition Shanghai Art Exhibition 2001 2002 “Horizon”Art and Sculpture Exhibition 2003 The 1st Shanghai International Environment Sculpture Art Exhibition Shanghai Youth Art Exhibition 2003 2004 The 10th National Art Exhibition, Shanghai Shanghai Public Art and Urban Sculpture Exhibition Beat 2004 Guangzhou Urban Sculpture Exhibition Beat 2004 The 3rd China Sculpture and Are Festival – Sculpture Contest Shanghai Art Exhibition – Marking 100th Anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s Birth 2005 Shanghai Youth Art Exhibition of “Vision Sparks” Japanese Fukuoka Art Alliance 10th Anniversary Shanghai Exhibition The 1st Shanghai International Urban Sculpture Biennial Shanghai Art Exhibition 40th Anniversary of Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute Art Exhibition The 2nd Beijing International Art Biennial (The art piece named Flower Goddess is collected by Chinese Artists Association) National Art Museum of China BEIJING “Memory of Eternity” Exhibition - Marking the 60th Anniversary of the Triumph of Anti-Fascist War (Chinese Anti-Japan War) ShangHai Art Museum 2007 “Going East or West?”- Research Exhibition of Shanghai Oil Paining and Sculpture Institute Liu Hai Su Museum SHANGHAI 2007 “Horizon” Sculpture and Public Art Exhibition M50 SHANGHAI 2007 Shanghai Young Sculptor of Excellence Art Work Exhibition Xu Hui Art Museum SHANGHAI 2008 “7183” Young Artists of Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute Exhibition M50 SHANGHAI 2008 “08 Target” Research Exhibition of Shanghai Oil Paining and Sculpture Institute Liu Hai Su Museum SHANGHAI 2009 Percorsi interiori Modern Art Exhibition – Organized by Culture Department of Italy VENICE ITALY 2010 “Art of Departure and Reunion”Chinese Contemporary Artists Nominated Exhibition M50 SHANGHAI 2011 “Meeting in Marseille” – Exchange Exhibition between Shanghai Oil Paining and Sculpture Institute and Marseille Advanced Art Institute Oeuvres de I’Institut de Peinture MARSEILLE FRANCE 2011 Almanac Exhibition of Chinese Sculpture 2011 BEIJING CHINA 2011 Shanghai Art Exhibition ShangHai Art Museum 2011 “BONSAI”——The tangible and the unreal of Nature in Chinese art (Valencia, Spain) Institut Valencia d’Art Modern SPAIN Shanghai Art Fair 2011 Emerging Artists Exhibiton SHANGAI MART “CYMACE 2011” ——China Youth and Midlife Artists Commending Exhibition(first price) MingYuan Museum SHANGHAI 2012 “All about shanghai”——Modern Art Exhibition of White Box KUNSTHALLE white BOX MUNICH, GERMANY “MEET TAIPEI”——Shanghai Oil Painting & Sculpture Exhibition TaiPei Fine Arts Museum “Shanghai Sculpture Project One 2012 ---Life latitude” SPSI Art Museum SHANGHAI “Beyond Expression----Shanghai City Sculpture Invitational Exhibition 2012”(curator,artist) DaNing LingShi Park “The 7th ——China Youth and Midlife Artists Commending Exhibition MingYuan Museum SHANGHAI 2013 “ FRESH PAINT ” CONTEMPORARY ART FAI ---TEL AVIV ISRAEL “Tutte le strade portano Roma--17 contemporary artists from shanghai to plazzo Brancaccio” ROMA ITALY “Unqdopo 1 A 1 TRO” ROMA ITALY 2014 “Pursuing Dream— 2014 Shanghai Sculpture Exhibition” Shanghai Sculpture Space “A Fable For Tomorrow— Alex Yuan Solo” SPSI Art Museum SHANGHAI “15TH SEA HORIZON A Retrospect of Sea Horizon Painting and Sculpture Exhibition China Art Museum “18th Shanghai Art Fair—Public Art Projects” SHANGHAI MART.2015 The 8th Shanghai Art Exhibition China Art Museum;“City lights”Contemporary Sculpture and Installation Expo;MACAO INTERNATIONAL DESIGN SHOW MACAO;DESIGN SHANGHAI SHANGHAI;AUTUMN AUCTIONS MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY OIL PAINTINGS;AND SCULPTURES DUO YUN XUAN ART CENTER.2016 95th Anniversary of the Found of Communist Party Shanghai Art Exhibition China Art Museum Shanghai;“A Fable For Tomorrow— Alex Yuan Solo” Hongkong Plaza;“Wuu Speech” Artists Living in Shanghai China Art Museum Shanghai;“IN SHANGHAI 70´S” China Art Museum Shanghai;“Flowers and Fruits” thirty years of SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL CULTURE ASSOCIATION DUO YUN XUAN ART CENTER;“Magnanimous” Art Exhibition Macalline.
